「働く」で社会を変える求人サイト「WORK for GOOD」

greenz people ロゴ

What a great day! greenz global turns one year old!


Some rights reserved by Will Clayton
I am very thrilled that our project, greenz global turned one year old. It was such a long and winding road to establish this project at first, but, since we started this media a year ago, we’ve been so overwhelmed by numerous reactions and supports from you all.
One of the most impressive things during this greenz global project was the time when “Papamama” article was picked by GOOD HQ. Though “Hikarigaoka Share-house Project” was the first one picked by GOOD HQ, I felt much more thrills then, because every reactions from oversea countries were hyper! I would say that was a kind of very ecstatic moment.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the supporters, our interns, founding members and of course, our readers. On this very special day, we publish a special post features comments from our community members, and our heart-pounding future plans.
With much love and mercy,
From: Kota Suzuki / Chief Editor of greenz global

Hearty congratulations on the 1st anniversary, greenz global!!
I am truly impressed with what greenz global have achieved in the first year. As a writer and Brand Manager, it has been my pleasure to work with this creative community and to see the community grow day by day. Because greenz global’s mission is very close to what I wanna fulfill in my future.
Best wishes for a spectacular next years and Let’s create the future we want!

From: Hoshina Abe / Branding Manager of greenz global
greenz global always goes beyond my expectation, and I’ve been having thrilling moments. Thanks guys! I do honestly think this project expands future and possibilities of our greenz community. But you’re still so young, just a year. I am very looking forward to seeing the landscape which will come in sight when it turns 10 years old!

いつも予想の斜め上を行く greenz global には、僕自身いつもワクワクさせてもらってます、感謝!数年後のグリーンズの可能性を切り拓く、大事なプロジェクトだと本気で思っています。とはいえまだまだ1周年、3周年いや10周年だからこそみえる景色を、一緒に眺めていけると嬉しいです!

From: Yoshihiro Kanematsu / Chief Editor of greenz.jp
Happy ONE year old Greenz Global. It’s still hard to believe that this miracle is really happening, I would love to appreciate everyone who is involed in this wonderful community. Let’s make it even bigger this year!!
From: Sayuri Kakimoto / Founding Member
I still remember the late nights talking about Greenz Global at the heart of Shibuya. I was and still am so proud to be a part of it. Lots of Love from NY!
From: Miki Murata / Founding Member

Founding members of greenz global. At HUB TOKYO, April 2014

Editorial Meeting in June 2013, at the heart of Shibuya

Happy Happy birthday Greenz Global;)) I was involved in this just for like 4 months, but I learned a lot from this internship. I believe this media will grow bigger and give more influence n inspiration to many people this year!!
From: Masafumi Kawachi / Former Intern
I learned lots of things during my writer internship here. I mean so many. I can’t wait to see the future Greenz Global becomes the hub of good ideas and social innovations in Asia, and I’m sure that this is just a beginning! Happy happy anniversary Greenz Global!
From: Yoshikazu Eri / Former Intern
Happy 1st Anniversary, greenz global!!!!! I’m proud to have been involved in such an amazing project! Best wishes for your continued success!!!!
From: Miyu Murofushi / Former Intern

Kota and Andy with Tom Vincent (PingMag)

Happy 1 year, greenz global! I feel very honoured to have been a part of this creative community, and I truly believe this community will continue to grow even larger by the year. Looking forward to many more inspirations and great ideas to come!
From: Mai Iida / Writer Intern
Happy Birthday Greenz Global!! I’m really happy about this new job and appreciate every helps from all you guys, especially a chief editor and my friends of the 1st writer intern.
I’d really like to hope Greenz Global become bigger and do good something for more people. Let’s have more fun time this year together!!

From: Yuki Hirayama / Writer Intern
Happy happy anniversary, greenz global! I really appreciate every experiences as intern. Thanks to greenz global, my interest and view of things broaden. I hope that I will celebrate greenz global anniversary in future!
From: Kanna Yoshida / Writer Intern
Happy 1 year anniversary! Greenz global always enlighten me my interest in many subjects. I feel very proud to be a part of this great community and appreciate this intern opportunity. Looking forward to the next exciting ideas and inspirations!
From: Mao Ono / Writer Intern


  • IIE
  • musubi
  • Otsuchi Sashiko Project
  • Our writer’s been working on their own project. We already published some articles from “Inspirations for DIY Gift.” More projects will be launched very soon!


  • June 27, 2014 – green drinks Toranomon in English
  • We’re holding green drinks English again this week. Mai Mukaida of “Lalitpur” will be joining us!


  • Next Writer Internship Program??
  • New Members!?? NEW Editorial Team??
  • Parnerships!??

    We would be appreciated if you write down your message on the Facebook form below.
    (Text / Edit: Kota Suzuki)