3/12開催!「B Corp」で働く意義を考える〜ビジネスの力で社会を変えるキャリアの築き方

greenz people ロゴ

"GARBAGE BAG ART WORK" creates chances to enjoy daily scenes.


How many times do you throw garbages everyday? Maybe 10 times in a trash can, and once at a dump? Instead of putting garbages inside a tank, most people in Japan collect it to plastic bags and take it to a designated place.
But, do you think it’s fun? Who does feel exciting about this? Here are some great examples of impressive designs solving societal problems in a cheerful way.
Put some illustrations and let the garbages swim!
Don’t throw too much trash or penguin is gonna cry.
Or try to create beautiful Mt. Fuji!
Established in 2006, “GARBAGE BAG ART WORK” aims to redesign a daily scene which most Japanese people experience every single day. Yoshihiko Yamasaka came up with the idea when he found a beautifully stacked garbage bags near his apartment.

Stunning designs are not only for people who love fashions, but it should be opened for children and elderly people. After seeing the beautiful variations of bags, I started to think about redesigning a garbage dump to make it more fun for everyone.

Yoshihiko Yamasaka
The project does not just design bags itself, but it even changes people’s mind for trashing. Every people can be an “artist” for throwing trash.
Creating cute rabbit by tying plastic bag!
The project quickly spread to lots of places. Various notable designs were created by collaborating with companies, characters, and artists.
ECOLUMBIA – Collaboration with the sportswear company “Columbia”
sesami street eco kids project
SESAMI STREET ECO KIDS Project – Oscar is popping from the tank!
Yamasaka explains about the benefit of his designed bags.

If people have to pay extra money for buying specially designed bags, they would try to make less wastes to save money. It even changes people’s thoughts and feelings for their everyday life.

Garbage bag harvested from field – Reusing materials from greenhouse
How about your days? Which part of moments would you like to redesign? Tell us more ideas for improving our daily scenes to make it more fun!
[via Greenz.jp written by Eriko Masumura]
[English Text by Yoshikazu Eri]


GBA make the chances to let people interested in garbages. Check out their projects more!


Goedzak: A trash bag that promotes easy scavenging, salvaging